Strawberries ^.^

The folding and unfolding of miracles and mist,
Desires, lust and fantasies....
Across the plains of floating lilies.
I held onto her little fingers as she dashed down the slippery stairs,
Her brown bonnet floating past my sight,
Momentarily blinding that smile from me,
Creating a moment of lost and fright..
"Here, take the key...", she said to me.
"I have held on to it too long indeed"
"It is time i passed it on"
"So that more you may see"
I couldn't , i told myself...
Must it come to this end.
That fate can never be changed.
She will wait she said,
30 months and 3 decades.
Life is what i see through this little girl's eyes,
The folding and unfolding of lust and mist,
Desires, lust and fantasies....
Across the plains of floating lilies.
It is my turn to let someone see,
From my eyes the future lies,
This journey begun with me...
From that little girl beside the sea.
Hold my fingers little girl,
Grab on tight and let us fly,
Into something half divine.
Untill you have become me.
When the time comes to pass on the golden key,
Let on tears but do not cry,
I will always be there,
As was she, at that bridge that divides,
The silent from the free.....
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